Branding Area building the communication bridge between your brand and consumers

Branding Area has developed its name as India's fastest-growing Tech, SAAS, IT, and Electronic Public Relations agency on continual innovation, effective strategy, and long-term outcomes. We are known for game-changing campaigns that position clients at the top of their industries by leveraging close working ties inside national media. We are storytellers, strategists, philosophers, communicators, technologists, visionaries, and pop culture enthusiasts. We are the multitasking millennial marketers, the antithesis of the one-trick pony. In the ten minutes it took to compose this blurb, we booked a national TV spot, developed a commercial screenplay, designed a press reel, pitched numerous journalists, held a brainstorming session, media-schooled a client, and washed it all down with a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

PR agency for tech startups

Amplifying Tech, SaaS, IT, and Electronic Innovations

Welcome to Branding Area, where innovation meets influence in the world of technology, SaaS, IT, and electronics PR. We are dedicated to crafting impactful narratives and strategic campaigns that elevate your brand's presence and recognition in the fast-paced world of technology. With profound expertise in these dynamic sectors, we specialize in tailoring unique PR approaches that resonate with your audience, ensuring your brand stands out in a competitive landscape. Experience the difference – experience Branding Area.

Our Services

We strategize for you based on your needs while incorporating expert ideas and solutions and satisfying all your needs

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Public Relations

Need Strategic and specialized PR communication to take you or your brand to the next level with the best results. Feel free to choose us.

  • Media Relations
  • Public Relations
  • Investor Relations
  • Employer Branding
  • Crisis Management
  • Government & Public Affairs
  • Strategic Consulting
  • Awards & Recognition
  • Reputation Management
  • Event & Press Conference
  • Corporate Communication
  • Corporate Social Responsibilty
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Creative and impactful campaigns are our expertise. Your campaign will always catch eyeballs because we execute the best campaign strategy.

  • PR Campaign
  • Twitter Trending
  • Meme Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Podcast Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing

Qualities of an Exceptional Tech, SaaS, IT & Electronic PR Agency

  • Cutting-Edge Creativity
  • Industry Insights
  • Media Mastery
  • Strategic Vision
  • SaaS Expertise
  • Data-Driven Strategies
  • Global Perspective
  • Influential Alliances

Choose Branding Area for Your Tech, SaaS, IT & Electronic PR Agency

Strategic Personalization

At Branding Area, we don't believe in one-size-fits-all PR strategies. We recognize that each brand is as unique as the innovations they bring to the market. Our expertise lies in crafting personalized PR strategies as we delve deep into your brand's identity, objectives, and challenges to create a tailored approach that ensures your brand's distinctiveness shines through in every PR campaign.

Proactive Market Pioneers

Branding Area takes a proactive stance, equipping your brand with market insights that enable you to stay ahead of the curve. Our team continuously monitors trends, identifies emerging challenges, and spots opportunities on the horizon. We provide you with the knowledge and foresight needed to not just keep up but to lead in your industry.

Media Dominance

In the media-saturated tech world, it's not just about getting attention; it's about dominating the spotlight. Branding Area leverages its extensive media network to ensure that your tech brand not only receives coverage but stands out prominently. From securing influential features in tech publications to strategically positioning your brand on digital platforms, we leave no stone unturned.

Crisis Resilience

Challenges are an inherent part of the tech landscape, and when they arise, Branding Area's crisis management experts are ready to respond with a well-prepared strategy. We approach crises with transparency and professionalism, analyzing the situation, and devising a clear plan of action to mitigate harm. Our goal is to safeguard your brand's integrity and trust among stakeholders.

Community Cultivation

At Branding Area we create authentic engagement opportunities, such as purposeful events, engaging content, and active participation in relevant conversations. Our approach transforms customers into passionate advocates and advocates into loyal brand ambassadors. With Branding Area, your brand doesn't just have customers; it has a thriving community of advocates who actively promote and support your brand's growth.

Influential Collaborations

Partnering with influential figures in the tech industry can catapult your brand's growth and reach. Branding Area identifies and collaborates with tech thought leaders and influencers who share your brand's values and mission. With Branding Area's expertise in influential alliances, your brand becomes synonymous with industry leadership and innovation, enhancing its position in the tech landscape.

Why PR Is Essential for Every Tech, SaaS, IT & Electronic Organization?

  • Brand Building

    Branding Area expertly shapes your tech brand's identity to resonate with your intended audience and attract potential investors. This foundational step builds trust and recognition from the outset, setting the stage for long-term success.

  • Media Visibility

    Our extensive media connections ensure your tech brand garners the attention it deserves. Increased visibility enhances your chances of securing crucial funding, and valuable partnerships, and attracting top-tier talent, providing the essential resources for sustained growth.

  • Crisis Navigation

    When unexpected challenges arise, our experienced team steps in as crisis management experts. We craft transparent strategies to minimize damage, swiftly addressing issues while preserving the trust and confidence of your stakeholders.

  • >

    Community Engagement

    Building a community around your tech brand is a key ingredient for enduring success. We foster meaningful interactions, nurturing trust and loyalty among your audience. This engaged community becomes a driving force, advocating for your brand and contributing to its long-term growth.

  • Influential Alliances

    Collaborating with influential figures and thought leaders in the tech industry can be a game-changer. Branding Area identifies and forges partnerships with key influencers, significantly boosting your brand's visibility, credibility, and potential for growth.

  • Market Expansion

    Our PR strategies are your passport to new markets, partnerships, and growth opportunities, whether you're eyeing local or global expansion. We provide the strategic guidance and connections needed to successfully penetrate and thrive in diverse markets.

What makes Branding Area stand out

Tailored Strategies

At Branding Area, we understand that each tech brand possesses its unique identity, objectives, and challenges. That's why our PR solutions are meticulously tailored to align perfectly with your brand's specific needs. Delving into your brand's essence, values, and goals, allows us to craft a bespoke PR strategy that not only showcases your uniqueness but also sets you apart in the highly competitive tech landscape.

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Data-Driven Insights

Our commitment is to deliver exceptional results powered by data-driven insights. By continuously monitoring and analyzing relevant data points, we refine and optimize your tech PR efforts. This ensures adaptability to the ever-evolving tech market. By staying ahead of trends and understanding shifting consumer behaviors, we help your brand maintain a competitive edge, making data the compass that steers your PR journey.

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Global Perspective

Our extensive global network and international expertise offer tech brands valuable insights and opportunities for expansion into new markets. Whether you're considering local or global growth, our team's global perspective helps navigate diverse cultures, regulations, and market dynamics. We provide the strategic guidance and connections needed for your tech brand to thrive internationally, opening doors to untapped potential.

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Compelling Storytelling

We don't just tell your tech brand's story; we are masters of crafting narratives that deeply engage your target audience on a profound level. Storytelling is more than words; it's about connecting emotionally with your audience. Our narratives evoke feelings, aspirations, and shared experiences, making your brand unforgettable. We ensure your tech brand resonates with your audience, creating a powerful bond that lasts.

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Measurable Impact

Our PR strategies are meticulously designed to deliver measurable impacts, translating into tangible business growth. We believe in accountability, and we provide the ROI you seek. Through clear metrics and transparent reporting by Branding Area, you can confidently measure the success of your brand's PR campaigns, knowing that every strategy is geared towards achieving real, quantifiable results.

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Strategic Partnerships

We identify potential partners, whether they are complementary tech startups or established industry giants. We ensure that these collaborations amplify your brand's visibility, credibility, and growth potential. This reinforces your position as an industry leader. With Branding Area, your brand doesn't just stand out; it stands together with the best in the business.

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Reach Your Audience with a Reliable Tech PR Agency

Is your technology company facing problems getting new clients, or are your existing clients shifting to different companies offering the same products and services that you do? Chances are bright that you have not promoted your brand image properly, or your rivals are damaging your firm's reputation by writing adverse reports about it on blogs, websites, and social media platforms. Your only hope of recovery lies in hiring the services of the best tech PR agency. So how does a PR technology firm help your business to regain its reputation? The professionals of Branding Area, the top tech PR agency, have long-lasting relationships with leading technological journalists and use their help to spread the news about your company in magazines and newspapers, both offline and online, through appealing press releases. It plays a decisive role in countering your firm's negative image created by your business rivals.

PR agency for tech startups
PR agency for tech startups

Your Company Needs a Tech PR Agency to Stay Ahead of the Competitors

Your technical company must appear at the top of the search engine results page. It ensures that potential clients see the details of your website when searching for specific keywords and phrases and click on its link to visit your online business. It leads to increased footfalls on your website and a greater chance of getting more clients. You can drastically increase the number of visitors to your website by spreading the news about it on social media networks, arranging meetings with your probable clients, and distributing details of upcoming events through press releases. Unfortunately, it requires experience and skills for these tasks. Your sole option is to approach a tech PR agency and discuss your marketing and brand image with their professionals. Approaching any public relations agency will not help because their personnel lack the knowledge required to promote a niche like technology.

The Help a Technology PR Agency Offers

We at Branding Area know the problems technical companies face when trying to promote their brand image to garner new clients. For many years, the professionals of our specialty agency that has in-depth knowledge of tech segments have successfully organised communication programs for a wide range of tech industries dealing in:

  • Consumer devices
  • Internet
  • Cloud storage
  • Home and industry security
  • Biotechnology
  • Wireless communications
  • Networking
  • Semiconductors
  • SAAS
PR agency for tech startups
PR agency for tech startups

Our Tech PR Company has the competence

We have always provided successful results to our clients because we know the way things work from channels, ecosystems, R&D, supply chains, and marketing products. Our public relations specialists know:

  • How new protocols affect the development ?
  • The procedure of beta testing software.
  • The manufacturing process of chips.
  • How cloud storage speeds up the process of developing new industrial and domestic electronic goods.

How the copywriters of our technology public relations agency help your business

Technological content is a different ball game than writing stories for other businesses. Our content writers have in-depth knowledge of technology. Also, they know how to convert highly technical topics into engaging and exciting content that anybody can understand. We at Branding Area, the top technology PR agency in the country, have writers who are genuinely passionate about technology and have the longing to expand their knowledge. It allows them to understand new concepts quickly and use the knowledge gained to write compelling copy for your company. They have successfully promoted the brand image of companies offering the latest technological products, and there is no reason why they cannot help your business too. Their willingness to learn the latest technical concepts and write their information in an easy-to-understand language has helped us earn the laurel of the best tech public relations agency.

PR agency for tech startups
PR agency for tech startups

Why do you need the Best Tech PR Company ?

If you hand the job of boosting your brand image to a typical PR agency, they might not be able to deliver justice. These agencies can enhance the goodwill of stores offering common goods and services. On the one hand, their team of professionals lacks the knowledge of writing technical articles in an easy-to-understand language. It means that you might miss a massive segment of your target market. On the other hand, the copywriters of Branding Area, the top technology public relations agency, know technical lingo like the back of their hands. They have an in-depth understanding of technology and can effortlessly write articles and press releases that non-technical people find easy to understand. Being the leading PR agency for tech companies, and having years of experience in promoting technical goods, provide us with the knowledge that others cannot replicate.

What can you expect from the top technology PR Company ?

When you hand the job to us, rather than leaving it to chance, you can be confident that we will proactively manage your brand reputation. The honchos of our best tech public relations company have a genuine passion for learning details about the latest universal technological advancements and use that knowledge to make your brand stand apart from your competitors. Our specialists know how to write content and use graphic elements that promote our client's image positively and engagingly. We offer different packages to ensure that clients across the spectrum can avail of our services. Our clients love us because we constantly over-deliver on our commitments and keep on tweaking our content until it hits the sweet spot of consumers while adhering to the guidelines set in place by search engine behemoths.

PR agency for tech startups
PR agency for tech startups

What makes us the top technology public relations company ?

We use the power of the internet positively to ensure that word of our customers spreads like wildfire once we complete the assignment. Our contacts with industry influencers play a huge role in the success of our company. People typically purchase mobiles, TVs, washing machines, and other technical gadgets of specific brands because their favourite actor or sportsperson endorsed them. They also visit the best technology websites and blogs to read information about the products they wish to purchase. Their experience tells them that brands endorsed by specific influencers will never disappoint them. Because of this, we validate our customers' products by industry leaders whose word people accept as ultimate.

Only the best tech PR firms can deliver the knockout punch

We back the endorsements by industry leaders with a multi-prong barrage-marketing blitz. It ensures that customers do not forget the brand image of our clients. This process ensures that people tie a product with a specific brand name effortlessly. Can you imagine the success your products can achieve if people ask for them by the name of your brand? Our agency aims to establish and maintain your technical identity by creating stories that show your company as the brand leader. In the next step, we get media influencers to leave positive comments on your product details, which play a massive role in promoting the sales of your products, as people trust a brand endorsed by technical gurus and prefer them to other brands.

PR agency for tech startups
PR agency for tech startups

Our top tech PR firms give your brand the cutting edge ?

We at Branding Area work differently than other so-called public relations for technology companies. We first establish your target market and create compelling ads and visuals based on them. We know the weak point of people and target them using flowery words that always grab their attention. We search social media platforms for groups related to the products you promote, sign up with them, and converse with other group members. Once the members of that group trust us, we start telling your story. It ignites their attention and makes them visit your website. If you sell technical goods at a reasonable price, you can be sure that these visitors will purchase them and become your permanent client. The team of our B2B technology PR agency helps you connect with like-minded businesses in the country. Other companies can see your ad once the professionals of our B2B tech PR firms start promoting it traditionally through advertisements in leading technical journals and handing out flyers in B2B trade shows.

Best Tech public relations firms make your tweet viral

Social media apart, the copywriters of our agency, the leader of tech PR firms, write short and attention-grabbing stories, tag influencers, and post them on Twitter. Since these influencers have a friendly relationship with us, they repost the tweet after adding their views. This sequence of events helps your tweet become viral and reach out to tens of thousands of potential customers in a few minutes. The professionals of Branding Area, the best technology public relations firms, also arrange conferences and send invitations to the leading wholesalers and distributors. They purchase gifts, print the name of your business and your contact details, and hand them out to the attendees. When people see these gifts, they view your company's information and contact you for additional information, creating a new avenue to find new clients free of cost. Hosting conferences also help you spread your product’s information through word of mouth, as visitors tend to tell their colleagues about your wares if they like them.

PR agency for tech startups
PR agency for tech startups

Owners of new businesses can also depend on top technology public relations firms

Promoting an established business is comparatively easier than helping new businesses find a foothold in the market. Unestablished companies need to convince the buyer that their goods are better than that of others. Besides improving reputable firms' brand image, Branding Area is also the best PR firms for tech startups. We had helped many established businesses climb the steps to success when they initially appeared on the market. This experience allows us to help budding companies to grow and become market leaders. We employ some of the most popular and unique promotional methods to help develop new businesses. The pundits of our agency, the foremost PR firms for tech companies, have a budgetary plan for startups. It allows them to enter the market without denting their bank balance.

Most loved consumer tech PR agency

Buyers of consumer products love our agency’s reviews, tweets, and videos because they know that we always speak the truth and provide detailed facts about the companies we campaign for. We also keep the consumers in mind when we launch a marketing blitz. Our consumer technology PR agency analysts review each product thoroughly before promoting them. It is a blessing in disguise since the buyer knows that they can depend on your products while purchasing them. The number of companies manufacturing consumer goods is growing constantly, making it difficult for the end user to differentiate the wheat from the chaff. Once our marketing agents are confident about a product, they let our consumer technology public relations wing market it. Our consumer electronics PR professionals send emails to the target audience using special software to send emails of a specific product to the individuals interested in buying it. Allow our consumer electronics public relations department to promote your product successfully.

PR agency for tech startups
PR agency for tech startups

We offer high tech PR services as well

Promoting consumer products is one thing and helping technical giants forge ahead of their opponents is a different ball game. Products such as telecommunications, military and aerospace equipment, magnetic resonance imaging scanners (MRI), rockets, and satellites come within the gambit of high-tech products. The public at large does not purchase such products. Therefore, we must select the target carefully to ensure the successful promotion of your products. We have a special wing that promotes technology public relations services that are way above commercial, technical goods. Established manufacturers of such devices must alter their marketing strategy to remain ahead of their business rivals. Since foreign companies manufacture most such products, we depend on the pundits of our global tech PR agency to handle the promotion and awareness of those machines. We already have a list of international vendors in our portfolio who succeeded in their product launches because of our PR professionals. We have the resources and the knowledge required to promote your high-tech product.

Why do you need help from our global technology public relations agency ?

You might successfully promote some of the most innovative high technology products in your home market. However, marketing a high technology product needs thorough consumer knowledge. It would help if you convinced them that your product is the best. Remember, yours is not the only company trying to break into the market. In such a scenario, the professionals of Branding Area, an international tech PR agency, search the market for similar products marketed by your opponents. We convince the buyers that your product is better with the help of our influencers and our panel of journalists. Branding Area, a premier international tech PR agency, arranges conferences, invites potential buyers, and lets them see the product's functioning. It puts PowerPoint shows to display the advantages of your product over that manufactured by your rivals. While conducting international technology public relations shows, we arrange for the refreshment of your visitors and even arrange rooms for them to relax in when they get tired.

PR agency for tech startups
PR agency for tech startups

We are your preferred B2B Tech PR Agency

Our competent and experienced personnel know different business-to-business technologies work. It allows them to develop new formulas, which enhance our client’s image and improve their marketing process. The speed at which new technological innovations are making their way into the market requires companies to develop new narratives, engaging storytelling, and change their product promotion strategies through traditional and digital media. We specialise in channelling your company’s business model and expertise to the right audiences. Even though public relations nowadays relies highly on press releases and social media, we also use content marketing through different channels such as paid (sponsored) and earned (media) to owned (social media and technology websites). We add fresh and relevant content regularly, as search engines give a higher ranking to websites whose blog contains updated and helpful content.

Branding Area is the Ideal PR Agency for Tech Startups

We know the difference between promoting established technical brands suffering from loss of image and new companies who have no online presence. We also have unique and affordable brand promotion packages for technology startups that will help them establish their presence in the competitive market. Contact us today for an obligation-free quote.

PR agency for tech startups
PR agency for tech startups

Depend on our global technology public relations firm for optimum results

Our professionals create appealing PowerPoint presentations that never fail to grab the eyeballs of your existing and future clients. We challenge that no other lobal tech PR firms can provide you with the results we give. Artificial intelligence can easily determine the most significant information to include in a press release through data analysis. Our trained public relations artificial intelligence professionals create press releases based on the audience's interaction and tailor future press releases to grab the audience’s attention. Try us out today for your local and overseas technical product promotion. You can be sure that no other PR agency will provide you with the amount of satisfaction that we offer. Fill up our online form or call us today for a free consultancy session.


Have a look at what we have done so far for many of our clients.


Some great words from our clients


Ravi Reddy

Brand Manager of Way2News

quote-left Way2News achieved ROI excellence with Branding Area's Promotion strategies. Their cost-effective approach and focus on measurable results have significantly contributed to our brand's success. Branding Area's ability to adapt to market dynamics ensures we stay ahead in a competitive landscape. quote-right


Sumit Mall

Head of Communications at Heal Foundation

quote-left Branding Area's PR efforts have generated impactful results for the Impact Foundation. Their dedication to our cause has amplified our message, connecting us with a broader audience. Their understanding of our mission goes beyond PR, creating a genuine partnership. quote-right


Sanket Narkar

Head of Marketing at Physics Wallah.

quote-left Physics Wallah soared to new heights with Branding Area's PR prowess. Their expertise and strategic approach have been invaluable, elevating our brand's visibility and market presence. The personalized attention to our brand narrative has truly set them apart. quote-right



Marketing Executive at Artarium

quote-left Artarium applauds Branding Area for their innovative approach to PR. Their creative strategies have enhanced our brand's narrative, attracting attention and creating a positive buzz in the Lifestyle industry. Their ability to stay ahead of industry trends is impressive. quote-right


Gayatri GL

Brand Manager at Coin Fantasy

quote-left Coin Fantasy found a reliable partner in Branding Area. Their consistent PR support has not only bolstered our brand's image but also fostered trust among our stakeholders. Their proactive communication has made them an integral part of our team. quote-right


Sudhakar Rao

Marketing Manager at PETA India

quote-left Branding Area's collaborative spirit and insightful PR strategies have been a game-changer for PETA India. Our brand's positive perception among the audience has surged, thanks to their efforts. Their responsiveness and adaptability are commendable. quote-right


Abhishek Sarkar

Assistant Manager Marketing & PR at GM MODULAR.

quote-left Branding Area delivers results! Since partnering with them, GM Modular experienced a significant boost in brand recognition. Their targeted PR strategies truly make a difference. We've seen a noticeable increase in customer engagement and industry credibility. quote-right


Ashok Reddy

Marketing Manager at GrabOn

quote-left GrabOn benefited immensely from Branding Area's strategic brilliance in PR. Their campaigns have resonated well, reaching our target audience effectively and contributing to our growth. Their attention to detail and data-driven approach are unmatched. quote-right

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Contact Info
Address: Unit No.111, Aggarwal City Square, Plot No. 10, District Centre, Manglam Place, Sector 3, Rohini, North West Delhi, Delhi 110085, India.
Assistance hours :
Monday - Friday, 9am to 5pm
phone : +91 83918 18629