Lucky block coin is India’s No.1 NFT competitions and rewards platform. Lucky can be used as a blockchain gift coin. The Lucky Block NFT Competitions platform not only allows you to enter win prizes but also allows you to be rewarded for holding Lucky Block NFTs. They just launched in January 2022, and now they a community of 57000 holders, getting the profit of price increase. They even have 1,00k+ social media following. The founders of Lucky block coin have a dream to make the brand the first gifting option, they work on a thought that lucky will be used to like reward, donate, and pay for knowledge
As a PR team, to build a strategy was also to create additional value to the offerings that brand holds. Apart from positioning it into esteemed portals, it was equally prominent to gain a coverage in industry specific portals. The strategy was build keeping the reputation in mind.
Starting from giving coverage on renowned publications like Economic Times, we tried to promote the brand through backlinking the same. In our strategy we also included in-depth research to find out the target audience for Lucky Block chain to make the client’s information reach its genuine or potential customers. Through the articles we even highlighted its price reduction as well the ultimate services of brand.
With the article curated with tremendous information it became easy for the audience to recognise Lucky Block Coin existence. The coverages which spoke about the price reduction and USP’s of brand ultimately resulted in creating more customer orientation about the brand. The coverages with backlinks helped the brand to get organic traffic in the brand and the remarkable difference was seen in the website visitors. This also helped the brand in SEO and generating organic lead. The media articles resembled brand’s journey and the overview of it. The vision of the founders became clear to the audiences.